RPEC Weekly NewsFlash, May 17, 2024


RPEC’s New Website Coming Soon - Join us for a “Sneak Peek” Today!

The Council Office has been hard at work building RPEC’s new member-oriented website. We are close to completion and would like to take a moment and invite you to a special “Sneak Peek” 1-hour event this afternoon, May 17th at 1:00 pm to become familiar with the new website and its components. The new website features a member-only area which requires a login to the website, which we will take time to familiarize you with.

The meeting link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82206617570?pwd=RDhCSWVmU1A0ZkFFMVcrS3RhcmpXQT09

Join us for this special “Sneak

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