RPEC Takes Action to Preserve Federal Retirement Benefits


Fiscal Commission Act of 2023 Clears House Budget Committee – Moves To House Vote

Your federal retirement benefits are, again, at risk thanks to legislation that was approved last week in the House Budget Committee and is poised for a full House vote.

In December, RPEC reported about a concerning piece of legislation, the Fiscal Commission Act of 2023 (H.R. 5779), which both the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Retirees and the Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA) warned could jeopardize funding for both Social Security and Medicare. Last week, on January 18th, the…

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  1. Thank you for this article, Laurie, and for posting the Alliance for Retired Americans Position paper! Let’s hope that the Fiscal Commission is not successful in cutting our benefits – ones we have paid for!