Ballot Initiatives Educational Webinar


Are you interested in learning more about the three ballot initiatives that have been covered in the media? As registered voters, we all have a responsibility to do our homework before casting our votes. 

All RPEC members are invited to register for an educational webinar on September 30th from 10-11 a.m. via Zoom. Representatives from each of the three No Campaigns will provide brief presentations, followed by a Q&A period for all attendees. Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon will be presenting on behalf of the No Campaign on I-2117. 

The RPEC Executive Board, the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE), and…

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  1. I appreciate RPEC’s sponsoring this webinar. Let’s keep up the push on educating as many Washington voters as we can. Too many low information voters can wreak havoc on the state budget because of their lack of understanding of what these ill thought out iniciatives will do to all of us.