RPEC Weekly NewsFlash, February 16, 2024


URGENT – Sign In PRO Today on SHB 1985 & HB 2481

We urgently need your help! On Tuesday, February 20, two of RPEC’s most important bills are having public hearings in the Senate Ways & Means Committee:

  • Substitute House Bill 1985: Provides a one-time 3% COLA to PERS 1 and TRS 1 retirees not to exceed $110 per month.
  • House Bill 2481: Prevents PEBB retirees from becoming uninsured during their final month of life by waiving final health insurance premium payments.

We need ALL RPEC members to register PRO positions on both bills on the Legislature’s website…

To read more, please consider joining the Retired Public Employees Council
by clicking here.

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