In-Person Mobilization for Retired Union Siblings
Silent Show of Solidarity for Cost-of-Living Adjustment for PERS/TRS 1 Retirees
September 17, 2024
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
John L. O’Brien Building
House Hearing Room A
Join us in a silent demonstration of solidarity as the Select Committee on Pension Policy
votes on proposals to fund a recurring cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for PERS/TRS 1 retirees.
Our PERS/TRS 1 siblings have lost 40% of their purchasing power
since the Legislature removed their recurring COLA 13 years ago.
Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2024
What: Select Committee on Pension Policy hearing on recurring COLA for PERS/TRS 1 retirees.
When: Meet by 9:45 a.m. at the sun dial between the legislative buildings on the Capitol campus. We will silently proceed together to the hearing room to take our seats.
- Wear your union/organization shirts in solidarity.
- Talking, cell phone use, and signs or noise makers are strictly prohibited in hearing room.
- This is a silent demonstration of support for our oldest siblings who deserve dignity in retirement.
Location: John L. O’Brien Building, House Hearing Room A
Time commitment: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Post-hearing celebration: WSLC building, 906 Columbia Street SW, 3rd Floor Conference Room. Food and refreshments will be provided.
Register by September 13th
(for food count purposes)
Other Ways to Support
Sign in PRO on the Legislative website
- Go to the Legislative website:
- Click the “Committee” drop-down menu then click on the “Select Committee on Pension Policy” option.
- Click the “Meetings” drop-down menu then click on the “9/17/24 10:00 AM” option.
- When you select an agenda item, choose Plan 1 Ongoing COLA Study.
- Under Type of Testimony, select “I would like my position noted for the legislative record”.
- You will be prompted to state your position. Click the drop-down menu. Choose “PRO”.
- Provide your first and last names, email address, organization, city, state, zip code, and phone number.
- Under “Organization”, spell out “Retired Public Employees Council of WA”.
- Click the box to indicate that you are not a robot.
- Click “Submit Registration”.
Call the OSA to cite your PRO position
- Call 360-786-6140 (OSA’s phone line is staffed from 8-12 PM and 1-4:30 PM, M-F).
- Provide your Full Name
- Identify yourself as a member of the Retired Public Employees Council of Washington
- Provide your home address if asked (to verify that you are a WA resident)
- Please say the following: “I am calling to state my PRO position for the legislative record for the Plan 1 ongoing COLA study agenda item for the September 17th hearing of the Select Committee on Pension Policy. Please communicate my PRO position for a recurring 3% COLA to Chair Boehnke (pronounced Baynkee) and Vice Chair Fitzgibbon.”
Submit Written Testimony on the Legislative website
- Go to the Legislative website:
- Click the “Committee” drop-down menu then click on the “Select Committee on Pension Policy” option.
- Click the “Meetings” drop-down menu then click on the “9/17/24 10:00 AM” option.
- You will be prompted to select an agenda item. Choose Plan 1 Ongoing COLA Study.
- Under Type of Testimony, select “I would like to submit written testimony.”
- Use the drop-down menu to select PRO.
- Provide your first and last names, email address, and cite your organization as the Retired Public Employees Council of WA.
- Provide your mailing address and phone number.
- Type in or cut and paste in your testimony into the space provided. You can also attach a file.
- Click the box to indicate that you are not a robot.
- Click “Submit Registration”.