Ballot Initiatives Educational Webinar


Are you interested in learning more about the three ballot initiatives that have been covered in the media? As registered voters, we all have a responsibility to do our homework before casting our votes. 

Representatives from each of the three No Campaigns will provide brief presentations, followed by a Q&A period for all attendees. Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon will be presenting on behalf of the No Campaign on I-2117. 

The RPEC Executive Board, the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE), and the Washington State Labor Council (WSLC) have all voted unanimously to oppose all three initiatives.

To read more, please consider joining the Retired Public Employees Council
by clicking here.

If you are a member of RPEC and see this message,
please login here.


  1. I am interested in watching the Webinar on Washington State initiatives
    I can not get it to play. I lot in and then I click on the voting tabs button and then it opens up with Laurie’s picture but then does pull forward . The clock runs but no picture movement or sound.

    What i did I miss?