You have much more influence to make a change than you might think. Don’t miss out on this chance to make your voice heard. The greater the attendance, the louder our voice!
What is Legislative Week, and why is it important?
At the start of each year is Legislative Session, when the Washington State Senate and House meet to create new laws, change existing laws, and enact budgets for the State. This is prime time to push our legislative priorities, such as reinstating the automatic Plan 1 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) and improving health care accessibility and affordability, across the finish line. Legislators need to hear the about the issues, priorities, and personal stories of their constituents to inform them of how they can best serve you (and get re-elected).
Legislative Week is an annual event facilitated by the Council Office with support from one of our partner organizations, the Washington Education Association – Retired (WEA-R). The purpose is to give you an opportunity to meet with your elected officials/policy staff, share your story, and explain why it is so important to support retirees. No prior experience is necessary, so don’t feel intimidated if you are new! The Council Office will ensure you are well prepared by providing materials and training prior to your meetings. You will also be joined by other public sector retirees from your Legislative District who share the same goals.
Legislative Week is set for February 3rd-February 7th, 2025. During the training session on the morning of February 3rd, you will learn about our legislative priorities and goals, how to craft your message, and best practices for maximizing your legislative meetings, which are only 15 minutes long! The Council Office supports you by coordinating and scheduling all your legislative meetings for you. You will have up to 3 meetings scheduled throughout the week. Be sure to check your schedules when they are sent to you, they also include the meeting links/phone numbers.
This is a virtual event! You can attend from the comfort of your home on a computer, tablet, smartphone, or by calling in. Calling in does not require a computer, smartphone, or internet, to enable greater participation.
Registration Deadline is Friday, January 10th, 2025
Monday, February 3rd
- 9:30 AM – Zoom training room opens
- 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM – Training session & breakout rooms with legislative teams
- 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM – Virtual meetings with legislators (Your meeting schedules will be sent to you in advance.)
Tuesday, February 4th – Friday, February 7th
- 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM – Virtual meetings with legislators (Your meeting schedules will be sent to you in advance)
Questions? Email info@rpecwa.org or call toll-free 1-800-562-6097
If you are a WEA-Retired member, please email Mary Lindsey at wearetired@washingtonea.org to register.
Unsure of your legislative district? Click here to find out.